Just for Fun...



Barbara Anne Eisenhower's birthday party

Barbara Anne Eisenhower's birthday party at the White House in May 1956



girl with painted face

A little fresh paint and one feels ready to take on the world!



Aliens at the airport

Aliens at the airport in Rome



guys arm wrestling

Russian guys arm wrestling



another denizen of Rome

Il gatto romano, a Roman cat



furry dog

A furry friend


I love you grafitti




watching solar eclipse 

Watching a solar eclipse aboard the Channel ferry


taking a shower

A vintage photo from the late 1950s or early 1960s




Redneck shuttle:   "Where 2, dude?"



woman looking at movie poster

Roma, April 2006 - Photo by Fabio Sabatini



reading the newspaper

Roma, April 2006 -  Photo by Fabio Sabatini




Portraits from spaghetti westerns



guys in car

Some nice German boys we don't know



completed work order


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